Volume 10 - Issue 2 - EN

Proposal of a Learning Organization Tool With Support for Metacognition


Manso-Vázquez, Mario and Llamas-Nistal, Martin


Building and using a personal learning environment is challenging and requires the students to have their metacognitive skills developed. Many students need help to develop these skills, to learn how to manage and evaluate their learning process in order to improve it. We designed an organizer with metacognitive support to help users to meet their learning goals. Here, we propose: 1) embedding learning strategies to support metacognitive learning; 2) a learning strategies recommender; 3) our vision of a learning analytics module for learners to support learning awareness and the reflection process; and 4) our solution for recommendations based on tag relationships, tag enrichment, and folksonomies.

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Modeling the Collaborative Instructional Framework for LMSs Using Educational Modeling Languages


Serrano-Cámara, Luis Miguel and Paredes-Velasco, Maximiliano and Ahijado-Sánchez, Antonio and Velázquez-Iturbide, Jesús Ángel


This paper focuses on collaborative learning and educational languages in order to model collaborative instruction. In a previous work, we carried out and tested a collaborative instructional framework (CIF) based on pedagogical goals of the analysis level of Bloom's taxonomy named CIF. Besides, we developed a collaborative tool that supports CIF named mobile collaborative argument support (MoCAS). We conducted experiments in the classroom with students and teachers using CIF and MoCAS and we realized that CIF needed to be improved. Our research goal presented in this paper is to improve CIF to make it support interoperability and portability using educational standards in a learning management systems. Therefore, we present the CIF modeled with intelligent manufacturing system standards using the reload learning design and Moodle tools.

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EDUCON 2014 Special Issue


Zutin, Danilo Garbi


The current issue of the Journal of Latin-American Learning Technologies (IEEE-RITA: Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje) comprises a selection of papers from the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference – EDUCON 2014. Authors of the papers with the highest reviewers’ evaluations were selected and invited to submit an extended version of their work.

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A Monitoring System to Ease Self-Regulated Learning Processes


Manso-Vázquez, Mario and Llamas-Nistal, Martin


Self-regulated learning is an active field of research in pedagogy, and a key element in the current European higher education. One of the main problems found by educators in the programs centered in the promotion of self-regulation is that they need to monitor all their students constantly and thoroughly. If the number of students is large, which is typical in higher education, this becomes a problem. They need tools to address it and be able to monitor their learning progress. We are developing a tool for self-regulated learners, to provide them with support for their learning process using embedded learning strategies and tools to enable planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own learning process. In this paper, we present the monitoring system designed for this tool, which has been enhanced in order to enable in-depth monitoring for both educators and learners. This enables process and progress tracking and also eases self-monitoring and self-evaluation for learners.

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A Keyword Recommendation Experiment to Support Information Organization and Folksonomies in Edu-AREA


Caeiro-Rodríguez, Manuel and Santos-Gago, Juan M. and Lama, Manuel and Llamas-Nistal, Martin


Edu-AREA is a Web 2.0 application whose main goal is to contribute to teaching innovation. It provides descriptions of educational resources and guidelines that can be used by teachers to create their lesson plans and later to document their teaching experiences. At the current stage of the Edu-AREA development, a main issue is related to the management and classification of information provided by users. This paper introduces a folksonomy approach, the architecture of the system, and the results of an experiment about keyword recommendations.

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Creation of Customized Remote Laboratories Using Deconstruction


Tobarra, Llanos and Ros, Salvador and Hernández, Roberto and Marcos-Barreiro, Alejandro and Robles-Gómez, Antonio and Caminero, Agustín C. and Pastor, Rafael and Castro, Manuel


The employment of customized remote laboratories becomes very relevant for the teaching community in distance education, since lecturers have the necessity to use real equipment through the Internet, which is adapted to the students' skills. In addition to this, the creation and publication of utilities as services (being infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, or software as a service) have been a hot topic in recent years. This paper describes how the adaptation of real scientific laboratories based on OpenSocial has been performed in order to create laboratories as a service, which allow lecturers to create versatile scenarios depending on the learning/teaching process. This is possible due to its deconstruction, which can be seen as a set of services located in a specific Web container.

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Teamwork, Motivational Profiles, and Academic Performance in Computer Science Engineering


García-Martín, Javier and Pérez-Martínez, Jorge Enrique and Sierra-Alonso, Almudena


This paper is aimed at discussing several issues related to the teamwork generic competence, motivational profiles, and academic performance. In particular, we study the improvement of teamwork attitude, the predominant types of motivation in different contexts, and some correlations among these three components of the learning process. The above-mentioned aspects are of great importance. Currently, the professional profile of engineers has a strong teamwork component, and the motivational profile of students determines both their tendencies when they come to work as part of a team and their performance at work. Taking these issues into consideration, we suggest four hypotheses: (H1) students improve their teamwork capacity through specific training and by carrying out a set of activities integrated into an active learning process; (H2) students with higher mastery motivation have a better attitude toward teamwork; (H3) students with different types of motivations reach different levels of academic performance; and (H4) students show different motivation profiles in different circumstances, such as types of courses, teaching methodologies, and different times of the learning process. This study was carried out with Computer Science Engineering students from two Spanish universities. The first results point to an improvement in teamwork competence of students if they have previously received specific training in facets of that competence. Other results indicate that there is a correlation between the motivational profiles of students and their perception of teamwork competence. Finally, the results point to a clear relationship between some kind of motivation and academic performance. In particular, four kinds of motivation are analyzed, and students are classified into two groups according to them. After analyzing several marks obtained in compulsory courses, we perceive that the students who show higher motivation for avoiding failure obtain, in general, worse academic performance.

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