Virtual Placements Management Process Supported by Technology: Proposal and First Results of the Semester of Code [Baixar]Autores/as:
García-Peñalvo, Francisco José and Cruz-Benito, Juan and Griffiths, David and Achilleos, Achilleas
Índice de termos:
Companies;Google;Proposals;Europe;Context;Technological innovation;Semester of Code;Technological support for placements management;VALS project;Virtual Placements;Semester of Code;technological support for placements management;VALS project;virtual place
This paper explains the Virtual Alliances for Learning Society European Project technological approach to support a virtual placements management process. Also, this paper shows the first results of the practical part of the project, the Semester of Code, explaining the detected problems, the issues, the challenges, and some actions to improve the development of these kinds of virtual placements programs. In order to allow the readers to better comprehend the approach and its results, this paper also describes three of the main virtual placements programs around the world, regarding both their organization and technological approach.
Como citar:
García-Peñalvo, Francisco José and Cruz-Benito, Juan and Griffiths, David and Achilleos, Achilleas, "Virtual Placements Management Process Supported by Technology: Proposal and First Results of the Semester of Code" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 47-54, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2016.2518461