User Recommender System Based on Knowledge, Availability, and Reputation From Interactions in Forums


User Recommender System Based on Knowledge, Availability, and Reputation From Interactions in Forums [Baixar]


Aciar, Silvana V. and Aciar, Gabriela I. and Collazos, Cesar Alberto and González, Carina Soledad

Índice de termos:

Recommender systems;Mathematical model;Proposals;Education;Text mining;Virtual environments;Learning Management System;Recommender Systems;Information Retrieval;Interaction Tools;Learning management system;recommender systems;information retrieval;interac


In this paper, a recommender system is described, where the user recommendations are made considering the degree of knowledge and user availability to answer questions from other users. A new approach to make the recommendations is added to the system: the reputation of the candidate users in the community. The reputation is calculated on the basis of past interactions, more precisely the satisfaction of the user who made the question. Results show that the recommendations based on reputation, knowledge, and availability of users are more accurate.



Como citar:
Aciar, Silvana V. and Aciar, Gabriela I. and Collazos, Cesar Alberto and González, Carina Soledad, "User Recommender System Based on Knowledge, Availability, and Reputation From Interactions in Forums" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 18-22, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2016.2518441