Improvement Process of Adaptive Questionnaires: Implementation and Early Experiences With e-valUAM


Improvement Process of Adaptive Questionnaires: Implementation and Early Experiences With e-valUAM [Baixar]


Molins-Ruano, Pablo and Borrego-Gallardo, Francisco and Sevilla, Covadonga and Jurado, Francisco and Rodríguez, Pilar and Gómez-Moñivas, Sacha

Índice de termos:

Electronic mail;Adaptation models;Adaptive systems;Computers;Context;Face;Calibration;e-Learning;adaptive systems;computer-aided instruction;qualifications


Adaptive questionnaires allow identifying the most appropriate question at a particular moment during an evaluation process. There are several approaches to implement adaptive questionnaires, but not many to ensure their quality. This paper shows a procedure to improve the adaptive questionnaires quality by considering the relevance of each question. Therefore, a level is associated with each question, which allows analyzing the students’ answers in order to identify how to improve the evaluation process. The proposed method has been implemented in e-valUAM that allows building adaptive questionnaires and has enabled carrying out the first experiments to validate the approach.



Como citar:
Molins-Ruano, Pablo and Borrego-Gallardo, Francisco and Sevilla, Covadonga and Jurado, Francisco and Rodríguez, Pilar and Gómez-Moñivas, Sacha, "Improvement Process of Adaptive Questionnaires: Implementation and Early Experiences With e-valUAM" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 187-193, Aug. 2016. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2016.2589638