Proposal of a Learning Organization Tool With Support for Metacognition


Proposal of a Learning Organization Tool With Support for Metacognition [Descargar]


Manso-Vázquez, Mario and Llamas-Nistal, Martin

Términos Índice:

Planning;Semantics;Knowledge based systems;Proposals;Reflection;Process control;Buildings;Learning Strategy;Learning Analytics;Personal Learning Environment;Self-regulated Learning;Educational Technology;Learning strategy;learning analytics;personal learn


Building and using a personal learning environment is challenging and requires the students to have their metacognitive skills developed. Many students need help to develop these skills, to learn how to manage and evaluate their learning process in order to improve it. We designed an organizer with metacognitive support to help users to meet their learning goals. Here, we propose: 1) embedding learning strategies to support metacognitive learning; 2) a learning strategies recommender; 3) our vision of a learning analytics module for learners to support learning awareness and the reflection process; and 4) our solution for recommendations based on tag relationships, tag enrichment, and folksonomies.



Cómo citar:
Manso-Vázquez, Mario and Llamas-Nistal, Martin, "Proposal of a Learning Organization Tool With Support for Metacognition" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 35-42, May. 2015. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2015.2417932