Fingerprint Verification System in Tests in Moodle


Fingerprint Verification System in Tests in Moodle [Descargar]


Gil, Rosario and Orueta, Gabriel Díaz and Tawfik, Mohamed and Garcia-Loro, Felix and Martin, Alberto Pesquera and Sancristobal, Elio and Martin, Sergio and Castro, Manuel

Términos Índice:

Fingerprint recognition;Access control;Authentication;Passwords;Industrial engineering;Biometrics (access control);DIstance learning;Access control;Authentication ;Biometric;distance education;login;moodle;verification


This research describes the method of combining traditional authentication (password and username) with biometric technology, specifically fingerprint authentication. This authentication model is applied in distance education where courses are developed in learning management systems. It introduces the features of distance education as well as the biometric sensor operation. It describes the changes that are necessary to introduce the learning management system in order to use the fingerprint as data in the process of authentication. Finally, we perform tests of assessment for the new authentication system in lab sessions at the college.



Cómo citar:
Gil, Rosario and Orueta, Gabriel Díaz and Tawfik, Mohamed and Garcia-Loro, Felix and Martin, Alberto Pesquera and Sancristobal, Elio and Martin, Sergio and Castro, Manuel, "Fingerprint Verification System in Tests in Moodle" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 23-30, Feb. 2013. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2013.2244702