Usability Evaluation by Experts of a Learning Management System


Usability Evaluation by Experts of a Learning Management System [Descargar]


Medina-Flores, Ruth and Morales-Gamboa, Rafael

Términos Índice:

Usability;Learning management systems;Least squares approximations;Instruments;Electronic mail;Reliability;Portfolios;Learning management system;usability;expert evaluation;Learning management system;usability;expert evaluation


We developed a proposal of a usability evaluation by the experts of a learning management system (LMS). The instrument is designed on the basis of the general criteria for the heuristic evaluation proposed by Nielsen, as well as on international standards, guides, and recommendations for software quality (ISO 9241 and ISO 9126). We present the results from applying the usability evaluation instrument to Metacampus, an LMS developed by and used at the Virtual University System, University of Guadalajara.



Cómo citar:
Medina-Flores, Ruth and Morales-Gamboa, Rafael, "Usability Evaluation by Experts of a Learning Management System" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 197-203, Nov. 2015. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2015.2486298