Special Section on Human–Computer Interaction and Education


Special Section on Human–Computer Interaction and Education [Baixar]


González, Carina Soledad González and Ordóñez, César Alberto Collazos

Índice de termos:

Human computer interaction;Computer science;Special issues and sections;Usability;Electronic learning;Context modeling;Human-computer interaction;User Interfaces;Human-computer interaction;user interfaces


This invited editorial introduces a special section of the IEEE-RITA journal devoted to the INTERACCIÓN’2014, the 15th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) held in Tenerife, Spain, in September 2014. This section includes the revised and extended version of three papers selected in the last edition of this conference. This editorial summarizes the subjects and interest topics about HCI and introduces the selected works.



Como citar:
González, Carina Soledad González and Ordóñez, César Alberto Collazos, "Special Section on Human–Computer Interaction and Education" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 10-11, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2016.2518439