COMPETENT: A Game for Teaching Competencies Related to Software Development Teams [Baixar]Título:
COMPETENT: un juego de enseñanza de competencias de un equipo de desarrollo de software [Baixar]Autores/as:
Maturana-González, Grissa Vianney and Durango-Vanegas, Claudia Elena and Zapata-Jaramillo, Carlos Mario and Zapata-Rueda, Carla Maria
Índice de termos:
Competencies;competency levels;software engineering game;software development team;essence
Competencies are skills, knowledge, and personality traits helping to obtain satisfactory performance in work teams. Software engineering games allow students for learning about computer fields in a safe and controlled environment. Commonly, such games mention skills to perform activities related to a software development team. However, competencies and competency levels are not directly related to the roles of software work teams in such games. In this paper we propose a game for improving the identification of the competencies and competency levels used in Essence for some roles of software development teams. The game allows for teaching strategies for reaching optimal competency levels for such roles.
Como citar:
Maturana-González, Grissa Vianney and Durango-Vanegas, Claudia Elena and Zapata-Jaramillo, Carlos Mario and Zapata-Rueda, Carla Maria, "COMPETENT: A Game for Teaching Competencies Related to Software Development Teams," inIEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 19, no. , pp. 7-13, . 2024. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2024.3368356