Adaptation Model of Mobile Remote Experimentation for Elementary Schools


Adaptation Model of Mobile Remote Experimentation for Elementary Schools [Baixar]


da Silva, Juarez Bento and Rochadel, Willian and Simão, José Pedro Schardosim and da Silva Fidalgo, André Vaz

Índice de termos:

Mobile communication;Electronic learning;Mobile handsets;Laboratories;Adaptation models;Context awareness;Aggregation models;Remote experimentation;mobile devices;physics courses;HTML5;mobile learning;basic school


This paper reports an experience of ICT application using mobile devices on an educational scenario on a basic education environment. We present a pilot project developed by the Remote Experimentation Lab (RExLab), from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and coexecuted by the School of Basic Education Maria Garcia Pessi in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The project has the support of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development and the mining company Vale do Rio Doce, in the framework of a Formation-Engineering program that intends to stimulate the vocational interest of basic education students for the engineering profession and for scientific and technological research. The proposed development is based on educational content that can be accessed through mobile devices and supplemented through the use of remote experiments. The integration between mobile devices, virtual learning environments, and remotely accessed experiments provides students with a new way to interact with the discipline of physics in a simple and enjoyable way, anywhere and anytime. The architecture implemented in this pilot project is entirely based on open source resources, both software and hardware, including the learning management system (Moodle), the RExMobile app, and the remote experiments developed by RExLab.



Como citar:
da Silva, Juarez Bento and Rochadel, Willian and Simão, José Pedro Schardosim and da Silva Fidalgo, André Vaz, "Adaptation Model of Mobile Remote Experimentation for Elementary Schools" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 28-32, Feb. 2014. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2014.2302053