Women in Telecommunication Engineering: Case Studies


Women in Telecommunication Engineering: Case Studies [Download]


Barbancho, Ana M. and Barbancho, Isabel and Tardón, Lorenzo J. and Peinado, Alberto

Index Terms:

Gender equality;telecommunications engineering;educational programs;STEM


The enrolment of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) degrees and, in particular, in Telecommunication Engineering shows a decreasing trend. Among the general competences common to all the degrees taught at the School of Telecommunication Engineering (ETSIT) of University of Malaga, there is the G-01, which is the ability to assume and attitude of respecting the fundamental rights and equality between men and women. In this context, a group of professors from ETSIT has been developing, since 2018. different practical case studies to make the role of women in the technological environment more visible, both for university students and for pre-university students. This article presents both the strategies proposed and the conclusions and results obtained from them.



How to cite:
Barbancho, Ana M. and Barbancho, Isabel and Tardón, Lorenzo J. and Peinado, Alberto, "Women in Telecommunication Engineering: Case Studies," inIEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 19, no. , pp. 61-70, . 2024. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2024.3381848