Accessibility and Positive Applied Uses of Extended Reality for Users With Reduced Mobility


Accessibility and Positive Applied Uses of Extended Reality for Users With Reduced Mobility [Download]


Accesibilidad y usos positivos aplicados de la realidad extendida para usuarios con movilidad reducida [Download]


Cañellas-Mayor, Alicia and Aymerich-Franch, Laura

Index Terms:

Educational technology;research and development;social implications of technology;technological innovation;user centered design;virtual reality


This article presents the results of exploratory research to examine the accessibility limitations that eXtended Reality (XR) presents for people with reduced mobility. The research used in-depth interviews with experts and the application of the Delphi method. In particular, we explored potential solutions to provide a more accessible and usable XR, and looked at positive applied uses of this technology in terms of improving the well-being of people with reduced mobility. The results will be used to develop a cultural and educational XR prototype.



How to cite:
Cañellas-Mayor, Alicia and Aymerich-Franch, Laura, "Accessibility and Positive Applied Uses of Extended Reality for Users With Reduced Mobility," inIEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 100-106, Feb. 2023. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2023.3250585