A Bibliometric and Cluster Analysis of Blended Learning Literature


A Bibliometric and Cluster Analysis of Blended Learning Literature [Download]


Un Análisis Bibliométrico y de Grupos Temáticos de la Literatura de Blended Learning [Download]


Ibarra-Vargas, Sara B. and Awad, Gabriel and Velásquez, Juan D.

Index Terms:

Blended learning;higher education;bibliometric analysis


The objective of this document is to analyze the evolution of the scientific literature on blended learning in the university context over the past 10 years by using bibliometric analysis and cluster analysis. Different descriptive statistical techniques commonly used in bibliometric analysis and science mapping were used to analyze the bibliographic dataset; in addition, we use co- word analysis and network analysis to examine author keywords and search for thematic clusters. Thus, six thematic groups were identified. Most of these groups focus on qualitative analysis of the experiences of hybrid courses. Other clusters focus on the technological adaptations of the courses and on evaluating the results of these adaptations from the perspective of the students. Few documents contain reports related to the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a BL course in higher education with a teaching approach.



How to cite:
Ibarra-Vargas, Sara B. and Awad, Gabriel and Velásquez, Juan D., "A Bibliometric and Cluster Analysis of Blended Learning Literature," inIEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 86-99, Feb. 2023. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2023.3250583