Serious Game Design Using Good Video Game-Based Learning Principles and the Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics


Serious Game Design Using Good Video Game-Based Learning Principles and the Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics [Baixar]


Diseño de Juegos Serios Utilizando los Buenos Principios del Aprendizaje Basados en los Videojuegos y el Modelo de Generación de Conocimiento para Analítica Visual [Baixar]


R. U. González-Arroyo and J. Arámburo-Lizárraga

Índice de termos:

Games;Education;Analytical models;Visual analytics;Taxonomy;Task analysis;Serious games;Educational games;learning technologies;mobile learning;software design


This article aims to improve learning by proposing a process to design a serious game as an environment where the player deduces knowledge through the challenges of the game, using the knowledge to be acquired as a strategy. The proposed process is a combination of the Good Principles of Learning based on video games and the Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics. Taking into account the proposed method, a design will be generated that uses the game mechanics to collect data, measure and evaluate the change in player behavior within the game in relation to the different game states.



Como citar:
R. U. González-Arroyo and J. Arámburo-Lizárraga, "Serious Game Design Using Good Video Game-Based Learning Principles and the Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics," in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 21-30, Feb. 2022. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2022.3149770