Teaching Electronics to Aeronautical Engineering Students by Developing Projects [Baixar]Autores/as:
Gil-Sánchez, Luis and Masot, Rafael and Alcañiz, Miguel
Índice de termos:
Aerospace electronics;Microcontrollers;Education;Vehicles;Aircraft propulsion;MATLAB;Project-Based learning;aerospace engineering;electronic engineering;electronic technology;Project-based learning;aerospace engineering;electronic engineering;electronic t
Teaching electronics to an aerospace engineer with a very limited number of credits has been a major challenge for us. This goal has been achieved through a teaching method based on real projects that are closely related to aerospace engineering. Throughout this paper, the process of teaching electronics through two subjects, one compulsory and one elective, is described. Subsequently, a description of the major projects that have been implemented in the last years is given. The academic results have been very satisfactory, and project development has proved a widely accepted method of teaching by students.
Como citar:
Gil-Sánchez, Luis and Masot, Rafael and Alcañiz, Miguel, "Teaching Electronics to Aeronautical Engineering Students by Developing Projects" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 282-289, Nov. 2015. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2015.2486398