Guest Editorial: Challenges to the Educational Field: Digital Competence the Emperor has no Clothes: The COVID-19 Emergency and the Need for Digital Competence [Baixar]Autores/as:
Gewerc, Adriana and Persico, Donatella and Rodés-Paragarino, Virginia
Índice de termos:
Pandemics;Special issues and sections;Tools;COVID-19;Educational technology;Digital divide;Emergency remote education (ERE);digital competence;teachers’ professional development
This Special Issue of IEEE-RITA on digital competence was under preparation when the COVID-19 pandemic forced educational systems around the world to shift towards Emergency Remote Education (ERE). The emergency acted as litmus paper for a series of problems that had existed for some time. This introduction analyzes the relationships between the challenges facing the education world in terms of digital competence and similar, with special focus on teachers’ needs of digital competence in relation to ERE. Six international experts from around the world have provided their views on how the research agenda on digital competence should change in light of the recent ERE experience. This introduction offers an overview of these contributions, as well as those that, after peer review, have been accepted for publication in this Special Issue.
Como citar:
Gewerc, Adriana and Persico, Donatella and Rodés-Paragarino, Virginia, "Guest Editorial: Challenges to the Educational Field: Digital Competence the Emperor has no Clothes: The COVID-19 Emergency and the Need for Digital Competence" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 372-380, Nov. 2020. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2020.3033208