Using the Git Version Control System to Replace a Learning Management System


Using the Git Version Control System to Replace a Learning Management System [Download]


Using the Git Version Control System to Replace a Learning Management System [Download]


Wolf, Gunnar

Index Terms:

Computer applications;learning technologies;version control;learning management systems


For several years now, but with special force since the beginning of the COVID contingency, higher education professors have turned to telematic tools that help teachers manage the work with which their students practice and demonstrate their progress in class– Tasks, practices, projects, exhibitions and more. The systems that, over the last two decades, have been most used for this purpose are called Learning Management Systems (LMS); The best known is undoubtedly Moodle, but there are a large number of options for this. Based on the empirical observation of a rejection by students of the use of these systems, the authors made the decision to completely replace their use with that of a version control system widely used for software development, Git, specifically for teaching students of the Computer Engineering career, for the Operating Systems course. This article presents the justification for choosing this platform, and the evaluation of the experience after eight semesters using it.



How to cite:
Wolf, Gunnar, "Using the Git Version Control System to Replace a Learning Management System," inIEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, vol. 19, no. , pp. 24-32, . 2024. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2024.336829