Remote Laboratory eLab3D: A Complementary Resource in Engineering Education


Remote Laboratory eLab3D: A Complementary Resource in Engineering Education [Download]


López, Sergio and Carpeño, Antonio and Arriaga, Jesús

Index Terms:

Remote laboratories;Instruments;Training;Three-dimensional displays;Software;Remote laboratory,;electronic experiments;engineering education;virtual worlds;eLearning;Remote laboratory;electronic experiments;engineering education;virtual worlds;eLearning


Experimental training is essential in developing the whole set of skills that an engineer must acquire. Therefore, any resource that involves an improvement in their practical training is an issue of interest to the academia. eLab3D is an electronics remote laboratory based on a configurable hardware and 3-D virtual world, that allows students to carry out real experiments with analog electronic circuits. This paper provides a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats analysis of remote laboratories compiled from recent publications and presents some relevant results of the use of eLab3D in real educational contexts, the teachers' assessment of its potential and the students' perceived satisfaction.



How to cite:
López, Sergio and Carpeño, Antonio and Arriaga, Jesús, "Remote Laboratory eLab3D: A Complementary Resource in Engineering Education" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 160-167, Aug. 2015. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2015.2452711