Educational Plans and Programs for Digital Competence: A Geographical Analysis From an Educational Equity Perspective


Educational Plans and Programs for Digital Competence: A Geographical Analysis From an Educational Equity Perspective [Download]


Alonso-Ferreiro, Almudena and Fraga-Varela, Fernando and Guimeráns, Paola

Index Terms:

Educational programs;Geographic information systems;Educational technology;Education;Education;educational programs;education technology;geographic information system


This article discusses the plans that contribute to the development of digital competence for students in Galicia (Spain). From 1100 public schools, 18 programs were selected. A concurrent triangulation mixed-methods design was applied. The content analysis of the proposals has been combined with impact statistics in schools and a Geographic Information System (GIS). The results show prioritized digital competence dimensions and a partial projection across the set of schools: 26% do not incorporate any programs, whilst 5% implement five or more of these initiatives. The findings question the principle of equity in education that prevails in the public education system.



How to cite:
Alonso-Ferreiro, Almudena and Fraga-Varela, Fernando and Guimeráns, Paola, "Educational Plans and Programs for Digital Competence: A Geographical Analysis From an Educational Equity Perspective" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 407-416, Nov. 2020. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2020.3033206