Teaching Analytics: Current Challenges and Future Development [Baixar]Título:
Teaching Analytics: Desafíos Actuales y Desarrollo Futuro [Baixar]Autores/as:
Hoyos, Abel A. Castro and Velásquez, Juan D.
Índice de termos:
Education;Data mining;Design methodology;Protocols;Object recognition;Real-time systems;Planning;Teaching analytics;multimodal analysis;learning analytics;teaching practice
Teaching Analytics is an emerging and challenging field of research that can have a great impact on educational design methodologies as well as on deliveries by teachers to students. In this work, we analyze the most relevant literature on the subject. Four axes for work were identified: first, integration of learning and teaching analytics; second, multimodal analysis or analysis of data collected by devices in real time in the classroom; third, digital literacy in analytics for teachers; and fourth, planning and evaluation of teaching activities. Several limitations and challenges were found for the advancement of the teaching analytics area, but the most relevant limitation is the temporary separation between the delivery and the analysis of their results, in addition to not having a standard measure of student performance. The most important challenge is the registration and multimodal analysis in real time for the taking of action of the teacher in an immediate form.
Como citar:
Hoyos, Abel A. Castro and Velásquez, Juan D., "Teaching Analytics: Current Challenges and Future Development" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 1-9, Feb. 2020. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2020.2979245