Analysis of Good Teaching Practices With Mobile Devices at the University: Design and Validation of the APMU Scale


Analysis of Good Teaching Practices With Mobile Devices at the University: Design and Validation of the APMU Scale [Download]


Aznar-Díaz, Inmaculada and Romero-Rodríguez, José-María and Navas-Parejo, Magdalena Ramos and Gómez-García, Gerardo

Index Terms:

Education;Instruments;Mobile handsets;Organizations;Collaborative work;Indexes;Reliability;Mobile learning;mobile devices;higher education;good teaching practices;evaluation


The purpose of this paper was to validate the scale of Analysis of M-learning Practices in the University (APMU), designed to evaluate good teaching practices with mobile devices in the university environment. Different strategies were used such as expert judgement, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis from a sample of 1125 university professors. The scale was composed of 16 items configured in five factors: mobile devices, digital competence, knowledge construction, cooperative work and education. Finally, the scale presented good psychometric properties, gathering a unique and reliable instrument to evaluate good teaching practices with mobile devices at the University.



How to cite:
Aznar-Díaz, Inmaculada and Romero-Rodríguez, José-María and Navas-Parejo, Magdalena Ramos and Gómez-García, Gerardo, "Analysis of Good Teaching Practices With Mobile Devices at the University: Design and Validation of the APMU Scale" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 2-10, Feb. 2021. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2021.3052482