Project-Based Learning in “Practical Development of Electronic Systems” Course, Weaknesses and Strengths in the Context Imposed by the COVID-19 Disease [Download]Título:
Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el curso "Desarrollo Práctico de Sistemas Electrónicos", debilidades y fortalezas en el contexto impuesto por la enfermedad COVID-19 [Download]Authors:
Hernández-Mangas, Jesús Manuel and Álvarez, Jesús Arias
Index Terms:
Random access memory;Games;Education;Batteries;Software;Planning;Microcontrollers;Project-based learning;electronic systems engineering;microcontrollers;SWOT analysis
We present the development planning of the subject “Practical Development of Electronic Systems” using the project-based learning strategy. The planning stages include: project specification; electronic design and schematic capture; the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards; the implementation, simulation and debugging of the firmware; the assembly, verification and characterization of the hardware; and finally the project documentation. All of this describe the main stages of engineering from the first sketch to the final and complete realization of a portable game console. The initial project seeks to make a video game console, compatible with games of a computer from the 80s: the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Plan B involves the realization of a video game in native mode as a consequence of the difficulty of completing the initial objective in the duration of the subject. Students motivation, obtained with the project-based learning method and the project proposal, is very high. In addition, a SWOT analysis of the adaptation to synchronous telematic teaching is carried out, within the context given by the recent COVID-19 pandemic. As conclusions we want to say that, despite not having been able to carry out the physical and face-to-face development stages of the project included in the initial planning, motivation remained very high, without dropouts, and the project was ended by all.
How to cite:
Hernández-Mangas, Jesús Manuel and Álvarez, Jesús Arias, "Project-Based Learning in “Practical Development of Electronic Systems” Course, Weaknesses and Strengths in the Context Imposed by the COVID-19 Disease" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 194-203, May. 2021. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2021.3089920