Curriculum Design Assistant System Based on Automatically-Generated Educational Ontologies


Curriculum Design Assistant System Based on Automatically-Generated Educational Ontologies [Descargar]


Fiallos Ordóñez, Angel and García, Katherine Chiluiza and Chehab, Xavier Ochoa

Términos Índice:

Ontologies;Learning systems;Deep learning;Software engineering;Programming profession;Libraries;Educational courses;Natural language processing;Ontologies;natural language processing;education;learning analytics;deep learning;intelligent curricula;word2ve


This work describes the design and implementation of a functional assistant system to support instructors in designing or re-designing their courses’ curriculum. The system uses automatically generated ontologies from textbooks that reflect the structure of a specific body of knowledge. Twelve instructors participated in the generation of curricula for a programming fundamentals course using the assistant system. An initial evaluation of this tool suggests that the system successfully helped novel instructors design a new curriculum.



Cómo citar:
Fiallos Ordóñez, Angel and García, Katherine Chiluiza and Chehab, Xavier Ochoa, "Curriculum Design Assistant System Based on Automatically-Generated Educational Ontologies" in IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, pp. 225-231, Aug. 2021. doi: 10.1109/RITA.2021.3126583